Get in touch with us at info@rotormaster.com.au or call +61296044801.
11 Arnott Place, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164
Professional Mazda RX8, RX7 and rotary rebuilders.
Authorised dealers for Precision Turbo and FuelTech.
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RotorMaster have the right team to install and tune any engine management of your choice. Our specialised wiring department means you don’t have to worry about making an expensive mistake by trying to install your own ECU. Leave it to the experts and we will produce results that leave you highly satisfied. RotorMaster has a strong affiliation with the world’s leading ECU manufacturers. We will choose the best solution for your engine and your application. Why trust us? We have used them all on our race cars! That provides an intimate understanding of each unit’s strengths. We are authorised Australian distributors for FuelTech, the latest in engine management technology and we have extensive experience with local brands Haltech, Microtech and Motec. Jump to: FuelTech – Haltech – Microtech – Motec – Apexi Power FC
Fueltech is a Brazilian based company specialised in manufacturing state of the art performance engine management systems. The company’s elite team of engineers, along with the best technology available, guarantees its long term quality. The product line’s greatest advantage is its overall simplicity, from its painless installation to real time tuning in just hours. The unit’s complete built in interface allows the user to have full control of the engine without the need of a PC, emphasising the DO-IT-YOURSELF concept. Proof that FuelTech’s craftsmanship and technology is never short of performance is its excellent record breaking track results on a wide variety of racing classes such as Sportsman, Pro Drag Racing, Circuit Racing, Off-road, Rally Racing, Motorbike Racing and Nautical applications. Check out the FuelTech engine management range from Australian distributor RotorMaster, and complete packages for the FT600, FT500 and FT500LITE.
Haltech makes a wide range of ECUs for all types of different applications and with a huge range of features. Ultimately your performance goals will determine which ECU is correct for your application. Regardless of your selection, RotorMaster are thoroughly equipped to install and tune your Haltech product with extensive knowledge and tuning experience to ensure your ECU investment is spot-on.
Check out our full range of Haltech ECUs.
Australian company Microtech offers a range of ECUs to suit a variety of applications.
Check out the range of Microtech products including ECUs and dashes available from RotorMaster, or contact us now on +61 2 9604 4801 or email us so we can recommend the best Microtech system for your application.
MoTeC offer a range of high quality electronic systems suitable for all forms of motor racing. Specialising in engine management and data acquisition systems.
See the full range of MoTeC products available at RotorMaster, or contact us now on +61 2 9604 4801 or email us, so we can recommend the best MoTeC system for your application.
The Power FC Programmable Management system by Apexi is another ECU plug and play option. Despite not being available for some time now, we are still able to source this ECU and of course tune it for your specific application. We can place a custom order for the Apexi Power FC Unit. It certainly offers great value for money for the right application.
Contact us now on +61 2 9604 4801 or email us so we can recommend the best system for your application.
Get in touch with us at info@rotormaster.com.au or call +61296044801.
11 Arnott Place, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164
Professional Mazda RX8, RX7 and rotary rebuilders.
Authorised dealers for Precision Turbo and FuelTech.
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